Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring . . . . not quite!

Spring has not yet sprung in the bay area and I've been reminiscing of my visit to Holland and Belgium in the Spring 2007. These lovely blooms in Keukenhof Gardens seemed to pose for this picture, while Bruges with its sleepy canals, old chuches and religious convents, conveyed a fairytale world.


marit said...

It does look like a fairytale!
We are getting closer to spring every day- it's been raining buckets lately, and the snow is rapidly disappearing!

Take care:-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! So if from a book!

Ingrid de Villiers said...

I agree 100% with Ronell...these are beautiful photographs Christine! Keep up the good work...can't wait to see what you have next!

Elizabeth said...

How funny, I was going to do a post on a past trip I did to the Keukenhof gardens back in 2004. That place is like heaven on earth isn't it?!
Loved Bruges too. We lived in France for two years, and drove up to Bruges for mother day that year.